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1979 Mitsubishi Pajero II Concept

The first Japanese all-wheel-drive passenger car was the experimental Mitsubishi PX33, built in pre-war 1936. But Mitsubishi began to mass-produce all-wheel-drive vehicles after the war: in 1953, the company bought a license to produce the legendary Jeep. The veteran car was assembled in Japan until the 90s! However, back in the 60s, Mitsubishi thought about its own SUV. Therefore, starting from 1969, a whole series of concept cars based on Willis appeared - Jeep Minica, Pajero I Concept (1973), Jeep Concept (1977). In 1979, the original Pajero II Concept car was shown. And the serial three-door Pajero got on the conveyor in 1981.

Source: Newspaper AUTO REVIEW, 2006 / No. 19 (366)

Images: Mitsubishi

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