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1954 Cadillac “Die Valkyrie” designed by Brooks Stevens
In 1952, a man named Metzenbaum from Cleveland, who was into real estate, wanted a car that combined modern style with the spirit of the...

1959 Scimitars by Brooks Stevens
Scimitar Station Wagon/All-Purpose Sedan — Famed auto designer Brooks Stevens created three Scimitar models for display at the 1959...

1970 Evinrude Lakester designed by Brooks Stevens
You back this dune buggy down to the water's edge, and suddenly, it gives birth to a 14-foot fiberglass boat. After the cruise or...

1964 Studebaker GT Hawk Concept
The 1960s Studebaker concept cars' Mercedes look was the creation of designer Brooks Stevens. This page focuses on Stevens' design ideas...
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