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1912-1913 Rolls-Royce 40/50HP Silver Ghost “London to Edinburgh” Torpedo Tourer
Sporting, sensationally styled, and as reliable as the proverbial Swiss-watch, it is little wonder that the London-Edinburgh Silver Ghost...

1912 Fiat Tipo Zero
Battista "Pinin" Farina was 18 when he designed the radiator for the all new (late 1911) Fiat Zero. The selection of this radiator design...

1908-1927 Ford Model T
Between its debut in 1908 and its final production in 1927, more than 15 million Model T’s, the runaway best-seller of its time, were...

1911-1914 Mercer Type 35 Raceabout
The Mercer 35J Raceabout was considered to be America’s first sports car. Back in the day, a Mercer Raceabout could be taken from the...
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