The 1996 Alfa Romeo Nuvola was mechanized chassis engineered, developed and built by I.DE.A Institute. Named after Tazio Nuvolari, one of the greatest racing drivers, L: 429 W: 186 (cm) and their first show-off of the engine to be placed in the 1999 introduced 166, the 24 valve 2.5 liter V6. The Novula version is a 300 hp and 0-100 in 6 secs. Was apparently withdrawn from the 1997 Turin autoshow, otherwise it would have stolen attention from Fiats new Bravo/Bravo series introduced the same year. There is a spider version as well.
Images: Alfa Romeo;;

Pictured above: 1996 Alfa Romeo Nuvola - Design team: Carlo Giavazzi, Wolfgang Egger, Daniela Masera, Walter de' Silva, Mario Favilla and Filippo Perini.